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Writer's pictureTeresa

How To Get Started With Natural Remedies

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

If you are serious about this lifestyle and truly want to rid yourself of toxic chemicals (and who knows what else), the next step would be to learn about natural remedies for first-aid, illness, and any ailments that you face. Every time one of my boys or I have some type of issue, I look for a natural remedy (or am ready with one) to alleviate the problem. We have not seen the inside of a Doctor’s office in years. You want to know why? Because most are very quick to throw a prescription at you to mitigate symptoms instead of curing the underlying problem. Suffering from anxiety and depression? Start detoxing your body, take lots of Vitamin D and other needed supplements, eat organic, and see what that does for you after a few weeks. There is an answer for everything. Many Doctors do not even realize this because they have been trained in medical school to only see things a certain way. Try having a conversation with your Doctor about natural remedies the next time you go for a visit. Have fun with that. All I’m saying is before you put all reliance on your Doctor, look at becoming more self-sufficient and learn to fix the problem on your own. Begin doing research on how your ancestors and those that lived off the land treated illness and injury. You will find some truly fascinating practices.

I recently taught a tutorial on the subject and went over a few basic items that are always needed in one’s arsenal and why. I will do the same here for you.

Disclosure: I am not a medical professional, nor do I purport to be one. I am simply explaining what has worked for me and my family in the past. Your individual results may vary. I am also adding information that I have found in my own research. If you intend on getting started with this, you need to do your own reading.

Essential Oils

This is usually the first thing that comes to mind when speaking of natural remedies. There are so many available to you that have multiple uses. I will list a few that I ALWAYS keep at my disposal, as well as why they are so important.


Even though this oil can get a little pricey, it’s always a great one to have. The uses are endless. It is great for skin conditions such as eczema and acne, wonderful for your hair and scalp, and when combined with lemon, it becomes a strong anti-bacterial that can be used on cuts, placed in the diffuser to help kick illness, and made into a disinfectant cleaner for around the house.

Tea Tree (Melaleuca)

I cannot stress enough how important this oil is to have in your arsenal. If you are looking to teach yourself how to heal through natural remedies, this oil is an absolute must-have. Not only is it great for acne and congestion, but it is an incredibly strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal plant. You may be able to eliminate the need for a Doctor's visit when you come down with that viral infection. Tea Tree, as well as a few other oils I will list here, can potentially wipe out the need for prescription antibiotics. These prescriptions have been found to actually weaken your immune system and destroy your gut microbiome. My recommendation is to just stay away.


I have nothing but wonderful things to say about this particular oil. I have always been prone to urinary tract infections. So much so that when I was about 12 years old, I almost had to get surgery to fix the problem. I was put on antibiotics for a year (!) which seemed to make the problem go away for a while. It began to creep up again when I was about 21. I started knocking out the infections with AZO (an OTC medication). I thought I would be tied down to those pills for the rest of my life. I do not ingest much sugar anymore and notice pain when I begin to intake too much. When I switched to natural remedies, I began to read about the healing powers of oil of oregano. The next time I felt a UTI coming on, I put 2 or 3 drops on my tongue and washed it down with water. After an hour or so, the pain subsided, and the infection went away. I could not believe it. The one I’ve been using is from Sprouts, but there are several other organic options online and at other health food stores. I will say in the last few years, the price on this oil has gone up quite a bit. No matter, though. Learn how to make your own!

Another time the oil came in handy was a few years ago when my husband got an incredibly bad viral infection. He was in bed for days while I took care of him. About 2 nights into his illness, I began to feel a fever coming on myself. I took nothing else but oil of oregano. I ingested 3 drops, 3 times a day and never felt anything further than that one night. This oil will forever be in my home.

Rosemary and Thyme

These oils have similar properties to Oregano and are wonderful for healing illness and open wounds. If you are concerned of one day not having access to Doctors, these are the oils you want by your side. Thyme can be used to help treat arthritis and gout, reduce blood pressure, improve digestion, and can help boost memory and treat depression. Rosemary is a great anti-inflammatory, great for brain health, circulation, used as a stimulant, pain relief, and so much more. All of these oils are antioxidants, which help to detox your blood by removing toxic metals and chemicals.

Cedarwood and Frankincense

These two oils are wonderful for those who suffer from chronic skin conditions. I made a blend for my son who used to break out in hives whenever coming into contact with heavy chemicals. I originally gave him OTC children’s allergy medicine and changed our laundry detergent to something milder. After I got into essential oils, I began treating him with these. Coupled with an organic diet, the problem went away. There are SO many other uses for these two, just look into them.


This is also a wonderful remedy for acne and brightening skin. It can help boost your metabolism. It’s also a great pick-me-up and useful for household cleaners.


This is another helpful oil for cuts and scrapes. It can help to relieve stress and is wonderful for headaches. Add it to an anti-aging facial serum or in a scar removal remedy.

As with most oils, you will find the uses of each are boundless! I am only skimming the surface here on what these particular ones are good for. Do your research and expand your horizons. Feel free to experiment with blending certain ones together and find what works best for you. When treating illness, you must remember to attack your system from multiple angles. You need to diffuse, you need to be using roller blends, you need to be applying topically with creams or salves, and if applicable, ingesting orally. I recommend pouring a few drops into a capsule and swallowing. You must only be buying therapeutic grade. I also feel much more comfortable ingestion oils that I’ve made myself. Here are several of my favorite recipes for roller blends. Once you get a little further into this, you can begin to learn how to make your own oils too. It is surprisingly simple to do and cuts out the need to overpay for those in the stores. Always look to make yourself less dependent on others and become your own healer, for yourself and for those around you in need. If you have the knowledge of how to heal, you must pass it on to others.

Apple Cider Vinegar

There are so many uses for this product. I've even learned to make it myself. There are many simple recipes online on how to do so. When adding this to your pantry, remember that it must be organic and contain “the mother”, which is a natural probiotic. As stated in another article, I always pour about a teaspoon of ACV in my water, along with my other organic liquid supplements, and top it with either a splash of cranberry juice or freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. This helps wonderfully with your digestion and weight loss. It also helps to flush out the nasty bacteria from your body and promote detoxification. If you are interested in taking a detox bath, here is a basic recipe to follow:

½ cup ACV

1 cup Epsom Salt

1 cup Baking Soda

1 tablespoon Ground Ginger

A few drops of essential oils of choice (i.e. lavender, tea tree, rosemary, grapefruit, lemon…..)

This bath is wonderful if you’ve been feeling tired, stressed out, or have any type of bacterial or viral infection. Remember to drink lots of water after a detox bath, as it can dehydrate you. It really helps to be able to use filtered water, but not all of us have the money to make that happen.

ACV is great for making cleaning products. Each time you run out of any type of cleaner in your house, look how you can replace it with something more natural using ACV.

Make a facial toner using 2 parts distilled water and 1 part ACV. Add a few drops of frankincense, lavender, or grapefruit (any EO that is beneficial for skin). Apply with a cotton ball after washing your face with cleanser and then go about your natural skin care regimen.

ACV is even great for treating Yeast Infections and Urinary Tract Infections. You can either soak yourself from the waist down in a slightly diluted ACV bath or soak a tampon, or cloth and apply in the area.

If you or your child has an earache, soak a cotton ball in ACV and place it in the ear while securing with a piece of tape. Leave it in for a few hours and repeat as needed.

I could go on, but you’re getting the idea. Get on Pinterest and find all the other great uses for this wonderous fermented liquid!

Coconut Oil

There are several other types of carrier oils you can buy to dilute your essential oils (i.e. jojoba, castor, almond, hemp, avocado…) but this one seems to be the most cost-effective. I use this oil when making my blends, mixing up my natural toothpaste, making my facial/body creams and face wash, adding it to my son’s body and hair wash, and so on and so on. This oil is also great to add a teaspoon to your coffee for weight loss. If you’re into oil pulling, this works well too. It’s great for skin and hair and a wonderful omega-3 supplement to add to your diet.

Shea Butter

I order a gallon-sized bucket of organic shea butter from Amazon. If you’re interested in making your own toiletry products, you’re going to need shea butter. This is so nourishing for your skin and can be used in an oil-based hair mask. You can add it to eye cream to help revitalize the skin and minimize lines. It can also be added to a natural deodorant recipe. The skin applications are endless for this product.

Beeswax Pellets

You can find the best pricing for organic beeswax pellets online. I use this for making balms and even my own natural Neosporin. Of course, you can make soaps and candles, but try adding it to a pain-relieving balm since it has anti-inflammatory properties. Use it in a natural diaper rash cream for your baby, or in a whipped magnesium body cream to help your body absorb more of the mineral it so desperately needs.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a great addition to cleaning products, but it can also be used to help detox and alkalize your body. If your body is too acidic, it is a birthing place for disease. Look into implementing baking soda in your daily and weekly routines.

It’s great for helping to rid your scalp of dandruff. Make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply it to wet hair and massage into the scalp. Wrap it in a towel and let sit for about 20 minutes. Wash it out in the shower and continue treatment as needed once a week. I also add this to my homemade toothpaste. Mixing it with equal parts of coconut oil makes for a great facial scrub. Simply rub it into the skin for 1-2 minutes. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. Use once a week. It will brighten the skin, reduce discoloration, smooth out wrinkles, and help to minimize acne.


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