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Writer's pictureTeresa

How To Make Great Emergency Survival Binders

There may be a time when the internet goes down or we lose power and water completely. We just don't know what will be thrown at us down the road. I am always thinking of ways I can get my family prepared for whatever happens. These are some tips on how to prepare yourselves and gather information that will be useful to you in the future.

A while ago, I began to save articles, recipes, and how-to posts on Pinterest. I even searched on the internet for helpful articles about basic first-aid and how to treat common ailments that I could potentially come across one day. When I had the time, I began to print off all of these posts and articles. I organized them into categories and placed them in binders. I like to go through them from time to time when I need helpful tips about gardening or just a quick brush-up on certain information. I know these things will come in handy one day when I need this information the most. I suggest you get started on your binders as soon as possible (especially now with all of these "cyber security threats"...)

Below I will list the categories that I have broken everything up into and describe the type of information I have in each.


You need to be saving information on how to grow food for your particular region. Every region will be different as far as what can be grown there at what time of year. I found an article on how to grow things 365 days out of the year. You need to know how to prepare your garden bed and restore your soil. The best growing techniques for each type of fruit and vegetable, as well as pairing things, are all very important. Also, look into how to store crops for long-lasting stockpiles (i.e. root cellars). Save info on how to build a greenhouse. If you are able to grow fruit trees, find out how to prune them for higher yields. Save charts on which type of food regrows itself for endless consumption.

Essential Oils

This section will consist of mostly recipes for various uses. "Liquid Ambien" may become useful for particularly stressful times. There are several roller blend recipes I have saved that I enjoy using (especially for my kiddo). Here is an article on my favorite roller blends. You need to be saving blends for several different things like headaches, eczema, indigestion, fever, minor wound care, allergies, and immune system support. I would even save a chart that lists out what each essential oil is useful for. Also, save information on how to make your own essential oils.


Though I may never use them because I don't really eat dairy (nor do I currently have a cow, but you never know ha), I have several recipes saved on how to make cheese. I have tons of canning recipes, including how to process them for storage. Just in case, I have a baby milk chart, as well as baby food recipes (you never know what you will need in the future). I have info on how to make moonshine (mostly for barter). I found an article on how to properly cure and preserve meat. If you hunt, save charts on how to butcher the meat. Learn how to pickle things (important for ingesting probiotics). Learning how to make beef jerky is an important skill. Save recipes on how to make bread. Bone broth is also important. I have a recipe here. I have info on how to make your own yeast. Look for depression-era food recipes. They are the best for when you have limited supplies on hand. I've even found some great recipes from the pioneer days. They certainly knew what hard times looked like.

Natural Products

This is another area where you will be saving recipes on how to make your own products. If you're in a situation where you can no longer get things from the store, knowing how to make these products is truly invaluable and can be great for barter. Making your own remineralizing toothpaste is definitely something that will prove to be handy, as well as mouthwash. Facial and body moisturizer is a must. Bug spray is another great one. Learn to make your own body wash and shampoo. Find out everything Apple Cider Vinegar can be used for. House cleaners are a must. Baking Soda has a large list of uses as well. Look up everything Castile Soap can be used for. A good deodorant recipe might be something worthy of looking into.


This section has to do with getting back to the basics. You're learning skills that allow you to live off the land. Save as much as you can on how to forage. Read up on how to drill your own water well. I've found information on how to harvest salt. Off-grid project ideas are great. Find out how to filter water. Look up pioneer skills. Homesteading is a great place to get started.


This section is basically a compilation of items that don't really fit in the other categories. If I ever get bees and chickens, I have several tips on how to care for them. I have a chart on how to care for cast iron skillets. Also, finding ways to make money on your homestead or farm has a lot of great tips.

**These next two categories are hands down the most important for obvious reasons. I put these two sections in a binder by themselves and have it well-organized in case I need any of the info in a pinch.


It is important to find out as much about natural remedies as possible. In a scenario where you do not have access to healthcare, you will need to know how to treat yourself and others around you. Think about everyday ailments that people suffer from most these days and look for ways to remedy those issues. Toxin flushes and detox drinks will help rid your body of disease and eliminate the need for treatments in the first place. Save everything you can about healthy pregnancy and natural delivery tips (you never know when you will need this). Look up how to treat kidney stones. Infection treatment and prevention need to be a priority (you do not need to store up antibiotics btw). There are several plants and herbs that have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Look for natural forms of painkillers. Look for lists of medicinal plants and herbs and how they can best be utilized. Treatments for dehydration are vital. If you're stocking up on medical supplies, make sure you are saving information on how to use them properly.


For this section, I have organized and tagged each topic for fast access. These are "go time" scenarios where you will have to move and think quickly in order to potentially save a life if need be.

First-aid- Find everything you can on first-aid treatment, both modern medicine and natural. Natural first-aid tips are extremely important. Read my article on the basics here. Search for SHTF medical tips. Look up how to make a mud cast for broken bones.

Allergic Reaction- Research the signs of anaphylaxis and how to treat it.

Asthma Attack- Know how to act if this happens to someone and they do not have an inhaler.

Blood Clots- Learn what causes blood clots, symptoms to look for, and remedies.

Life-Threatening Injury- Research these types of injuries and how you can quickly treat them for a better chance at survival.

Heart Attack- There are several signs to look for leading up to a heart attack in the weeks and months beforehand. There are also remedies you can use to help lessen the damage done. Make sure you have this info on hand.

Stroke- There are natural remedies to help mitigate and lessen effects of a stroke.


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