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These Are The Natural Supplements I Take And Why

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

So, most people I talk to assume that taking a multi-vitamin is all they need in order to be healthy. They would be wrong. Most of these OTC supplements are filled with synthetic ingredients that the body cannot properly absorb. I guarantee they're doing more harm than good. I buy the majority of my supplements in liquid form. Powders are great too. I also buy in capsule form, but you will not absorb as much of the benefits. Buying liquid and powder supplements, I find, tends to be more cost-effective than buying in pill form.

I put all of the liquid into a little purified water or juice to make it drinkable. I add collagen and supergreen powders to smoothies and juice. Look at it this way. You know your body, and your body tells you what it needs. Come up with a regimen that works for you while staying within the guidelines of the recommended dosage.

There are several vitamins and minerals that the body needs in order to function properly. The amount I will list out may seem like a lot, but I promise it's totally doable. This paired with a small amount of daily exercise and eating primarily organic or NON-GMO will improve all internal and external operations. Alright, here goes.... Moringa I am putting this one first because I love it the most. There are so many vitamins and minerals in the leaves, it's crazy. It contains Vitamins A, B, C, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Zinc. It also contains some protein. It has antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties. This leaf will boost your immune system and fight off illness and disease. Moringa protects the liver by enabling cell growth. It can also improve digestion issues. There are a plethora of other benefits that I won't get into here. Ashwagandha This natural herb is great for managing stress, boosting energy and concentration, can be great for people with Diabetes, and can also increase fertility. This is really just skimming the surface. Look into this herb further if you're considering adding it to your regimen. Maca Root This root is high in vitamins and minerals. It is also high in fiber. It can help to regulate hormones which boosts libido and fertility. Women experiencing menopause should consider this root to alleviate their symptoms. This can also treat symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as aid in sports performance for those who are very active. Dandelion Who knew that pesky "weed" outside your house was actually medicinal?! Learn to forage and you'll begin to see that you are absolutely surrounded by everything you need to maintain health, and it can be obtained for FREE. You can make your own oils, teas, and salves from anything you forage. Or just straight-up eat it in a salad if you're feeling adventurous. That, though, is another article for another day. Dandelion is a great antioxidant and rich in vitamins C, K, B2, and A. It can help reduce cholesterol and regulate blood sugar. It can also reduce inflammation, which helps with chronic pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Autism, and Heart Disease (just to name a few). It can aid in weight loss and boost your immune system. You cannot go wrong here. If you make a salve, it can be wonderful for your skin and protect from sun damage. Parsley Root Some of the wonderful things this root (and leaf) contains is vitamin A, C, E, and K, Protein, Fiber, Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Calcium....just to name a few. It is powerful in the fight against many diseases. It strengthens your immune system, protects your heart, promotes bone health, and has antibacterial properties. If you feel a UTI coming on, simply take a dropper full (or however else you buy it) of parsley root tincture and say buh-bye pain and infection. This can treat edema and improve kidney health. Being that it's so high in vitamin C, it is great for acne-prone skin. I love Parsley Root! This supplement is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Mushrooms This is an area I've just begun to delve into. There are so many powerful mushrooms out there! I am currently taking a Shiitake supplement. It can help to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. It can also boost the immune system and decrease inflammation. As a natural source of vitamin D, it can potentially increase bone density. Biotin Obviously, it is great for hair, skin, and nails, but it has many other benefits as well. It helps the body to convert food to energy. It also aids in the health of your eyes, liver, and nervous system. If you're pregnant, you should be taking this to promote healthy embryonic growth. You should also consider taking this if you have Diabetes as it can help regulate blood sugar. Folate (Not To Be Confused With Folic Acid) Not just for pregnant women. Of course, if you're trying to get pregnant, you should already be ingesting this. While helping to majorly cut the risk of fetal issues, it has other great benefits too. This wonderous vitamin aids in rapid cell growth and can heal damaged DNA strands. It can enhance brain health, contributing to helping combat inflammation. It can also help with age-related hearing loss. It is important here to distinguish between folic acid and folate (often used interchangeably). Folic acid is actually the synthetic form of folate and should not be taken as it cannot be properly absorbed by the body. Try searching for organic folate when purchasing your supplements. I will say that I have been having trouble finding a new folate supplement that I trust. Folate as methyltetrahydrafolate (5-MTHF) is the form highest in absorption rates, but is either so expensive or coupled with many other unsavory ingredients. Personally, I do not prefer ingredients that are changed or heightened in a lab setting. The original source is much better. Methylation (which occurs naturally in the body to process folate) can be heightened when paired with vitamins c and b6, zinc, and small amounts of manganese. 5-MTHF bypasses your body's natural methylation process and does it for you. I've also been reading how those that suffer from over/under methylation can have issues when taking methylated folate. There are ways to correct this process naturally. You should continue to look into this further. I plan on deriving most vitamin B9 from natural sources such as super greens (spirulina, moringa, wheatgrass, spinach, alfalfa, tulsi, barley grass), bananas, turnip greens, citrus, tomatoes, kidney beans, brussels sprouts, peas, mustard greens, broccoli, avocado, romaine lettuce, asparagus, and black-eyed peas. I suggest finding a fruit and vegetable dense capsule, powder, or tincture if you find it daunting to increase these items in your daily diet. Collagen I take a vegan, plant-based collagen supplement that is loaded with vitamins and minerals. This protein will help to strengthen your bones and connective tissues. It will strengthen and nourish your skin, reversing the aging process. It will help with chronic joint pain. It can also help to boost muscle mass. There are a number of other benefits I could go over, but the point is your body will thank you dearly for consuming this. Amazing Grass makes a wonderful powder supplement.

Vitamin C Did you know that I never get sick? Other than occasional allergies (only from falling back on my no dairy, no GMO rule - look into the connection), I have not been ill since about 2016. That's only because it was the year I really started getting serious about my lifestyle change. It is contributed to my change in diet and supplement intake. This is another incredible antioxidant that gives you an immune system like nobody's business. Antioxidants clean your blood. I cannot stress enough how important these are when detoxing your system. It can prevent hypertension, strengthen blood vessels, helps to reduce stress, and aids with weight loss. It can ward off cataracts, increase energy, prevent heart disease, and help those with diabetes. It is also wonderful for skin and hair. I could go on and on and on, really. Vitamin D The number of people nowadays with a vitamin D deficiency is quite staggering. It is a crucial vitamin for disease prevention. It regulates calcium and phosphate, which are needed for strong bones. It can prevent diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and neurodegenerative diseases. Trace Minerals Your body needs SO MANY minerals in order to thrive. They really just don't exist in our food anymore, thanks to man-made industrial farming practices. Wonder why Iodine is added to table salt? Because it's a mineral, your body needs it so desperately, and it's admitted to right on the package. Minerals are ions with positive and negative charges. These charges allow them to bond with water in order to travel through the body and bond to the systems that need them. And FYI, your body is 70% water. While I take trace minerals (which contain a balance of several different minerals), I also make sure to take separate supplements of Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, and Zinc. Iodine is super cheap and lasts for a very long time. The body needs iodine in order to produce thyroid hormones. Magnesium is required for a magnitude of things, such as fighting depression, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and diseases caused by inflammation. Iron assists with energy and focus, regulation of body temperature, any gastrointestinal processes, and having a strong immune system. If you become anemic due to a lack of iron, you know about it pretty quickly. Lastly zinc, again, helps with cognitive function, wound healing, and decreasing the risk of age-related diseases. Helpful Tip - To top this off, I only use NON-GMO Himalayan pink salt in my kitchen. It has about 85+ natural minerals that the body needs. I typically order this brand from Amazon because it is so much cheaper than buying it in the store. I have also found it at a GREAT price at the Dollar Tree. If you have one close to you, check the baking aisle to see if they carry it. Then buy 10 bags. Haha! Omega-3 I add a little MCT oil to my water. It is derived from coconut oil. I do not trust fish oil as the quality (in my opinion) can never be guaranteed. This fatty acid improves cognitive health, age-related mental decline, lowers the risk of heart disease, prevents inflammation, improves vision, and lowers high blood pressure.

Sea Moss

This is quite a wonderous plant. It contains almost all of the minerals your body needs in order to function properly. It is a great source of iodine and helps to promote gut health. It is high in antioxidants and is antiviral. It will boost your overall immune system. It will also help to regulate hormones in both men and women. It is also an expectorant, so it is a great remedy for healing coughs and mucus build-up. Research the benefits as there are SO MANY I haven't listed here.

Probiotics Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with "The Mother" is a great option. The fermentation process used makes it a natural probiotic. You can add a splash to your flavored water or just take a shot. If you think that sounds disgusting, then try some yummy kombucha. This option, though, tends to be a little more pricey and many on the market have quite a bit of sugar. Test out some of your own recipes online. I've seen some good ones that I cannot wait to try. You could also drink pickle juice or eat Kimchi or raw sauerkraut as another alternative. Probiotics help to stave off the bad bacteria in your intestines while replacing it with good bacteria. If you have too much of a build-up of the bad, SO MANY diseases can begin to build a home in your body. I'm sure at this point you're loaded down with information and are noticing a pattern. Most of the supplements treat all of the same things. Unfortunately, these particular diseases and illnesses are what presently ails human beings the most. Taking all of the supplements collectively will help to rid your body of disease. They will increase longevity in life and decrease the need for unplanned Doctor visits and prescription medication. Do not take my word for it, though. All of these benefits are backed by science. If you understand how the body works, then you know cleansing it will wipe out disease (including cancer) from exposure to man-made substances and pollutants. Take the worry of disease and illness off the table and learn to sustain health so you can live a long and happy life. Of course, in order to maintain good health, it is still advised to visit a doctor and have your levels checked to verify you are doing things right.

If you are taking medication, please do your research before consuming natural medicines. There are some medications that can be affected by certain herbs, fruits, vegetables, and roots. The idea here, though, is to take healing into your own hands.


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